Top Ten of All Time

Charlie Bit My Finger

Charlie bit my finger - again ! is the first uploaded video by HDCYT on May 22, 2007, and was videod on March 19, 2007 in the United Kingdom. Charlie bit my finger - again ! has the most views on YouTube and is one of the most iconic videos on the website. Charlie bit my finger - again ! is most often simply called Charlie bit me. The video depicts a young child named Harry and an infant named Charlie sitting in a chair asCharlie bites Harry's finger. Harry then tries to put his finger in Charlie's mouth on his own, and Charlie bites his finger again, that time Harry reacting in some pain. Charlie starts to laugh and Harry explains to him that it hurt. The video is known for the gestures on Harry and Charlie's faces, and the fact that none of it was planned.

Evolution of Dance

Evolution of Dance: This is the smash hit video that everyone and his mother has seen. It has been viewed more than thirty million times, and it made its creator Judson Laipply, a stand-up comedian and inspiration speaker, a star. The video is very simple-- Judson performs dances spanning popular music from the early days of rock and roll, through, disco, to hip hop. It sounds cheesy, but once you start watching it, you have to see it through to the end, and maybe that's it's appeal. It is #2 on the list of Top 50 YouTube Videos from Time Magazine.

David After the Dentist

If you spend any time on the Internet, you've no doubt seen "David After Dentist," the YouTube video of a woozy 7-year-old boy in the back seat of a car, struggling to understand the effects of anesthesia. The viral clip has been viewed almost 54 million times and gave rise to the catchphrase, "Is this real life?" It was the second most-watched video of 2009, according to YouTube, trailing only Susan Boyle's appearance on "Britain's Got Talent." It's also been an unexpected bonanzafor the boy's Orlando, Florida-area family, who, despite some criticism that they exploited their child by posting his image online, has turned the one-minute, 59-second home video into a lucrative sideline.


This video is extremely popular on YouTube and features a laughing baby. A man who is ostensibly the baby's father can be heard in the background making a variety of noises every few seconds. After each of these noises, the baby laughs and laughs. This continues for almost two minutes.

The Sneezing Baby Panda

Popularly known as ""Sneezing Baby Panda" on the web, the title of this viral video pretty much says it all: a mommy panda and her baby panda are lounging around, when all of a sudden the baby panda sneezes! This has been viewed over 30 million times on YouTube alone.

I Dont Like You Mommy

The logic of a child.... priceless. Kids really do say the darnedest things. With almost 70 million views, I'm sure a lot of who have seen this already, but it's worth it to watch it again. Well, at least he's honest and knows what he wants, right?

2Charlie the Unicorn

Charlie the Unicorn is a Flash animated short film and viral video directed, produced, animated, and written by Jason Steele of independent film company FilmCow. The film follows the life of Charlie, a lethargic unicorn, and two other unicorns who bring him on an allegedly magical adventure to the mythical "Candy Mountain". Although Charlie is eternally skeptical throughout the majority of the trip, he is nevertheless surprised when the mountain turns out to be real once they arrive. The video was a viral hit, accumulating 50 million views and gaining worldwide praise.

An Experiment

The Duck Song

Tootin' Bathtub Baby Cousins

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